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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ooey! Gooey!

Another theme that occurs in movies can best be described as "GOO"! Sometimes it's cute, like Flubber; at other times, it's very scary, as in The Blob. You can make some stuff that's very much like flubbery!

What you'll need:
Blue gel glue
Borax (from the laundry aisle in the supermarket)
Measuring cup
Microwave oven
Microwave-safe bowl
Mixing bowl

Mix about 1 tablespoon of borax with 1 cup of water (these measurements don't have to be very exact) in a microwave-safe bowl and heat in the microwave oven until the water boils and most, if not all, of the borax dissolves. Let the solution cool. Squeeze the gel glue out into the other bowl. Estimate how much glue is in the bowl, and add three times that volume in water. For example, if there is about 1/4 cup of glue, add 3/4 cups of water. Now add about a volume of borax solution that is about 1/3 of that of the glue solution. In the example above, you have 1 cup of glue solution (1/4 cup glue + 3/4 cup water), and you would add 1/3 cups of borax solution. Mix with a spoon. What do you see?

The glue and borax react to form a blob of jelly-like stuff. Lift it out of the bowl and play with it. See if it bounces. Squeeze it; does it run through your finger? The molecules in the glue are long and stringy. The molecules in the borax solution tie these strings together and change their consistency. A material like this is called a gel. Can you think of any other gels?

Your goo will be good for a few days. Make sure that no one eats it, and keep it away from painted surfaces. You can make fancier goo by adding glitter or a little glow-in-the-dark paint to the glue solution before adding the borax. You can also try changing the recipe (add only 1/4 the amount of borax, or add 1/2 of the amount); how does this change the way the goo feels?

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